
SCHOOLYEAR 2014/2015

01/20: This is  an extract from the movie "the wall"
"Another brick in the wall" by Pink Floyd

And this is a picture of john lennon,
 a member of the legendary band "the beatles"

01/05 : A tribute to Joe Cocker who passed away 
last december 22nd:

"With a little help from my friends",
performed in Woodstock in 1969.

And a more recent performance (2013)
 of the famous hit "Unchain my heart":


This is Billie Holiday's poignant "strange fruit",
one of the very first protest songs


Have a look at the video about Woodstock:


This is the video about "cliques" that we studied in class:


What do you think of Aria and Elyna's "Get to know us tag"?
I looooove it!

If you can't vizualize it here, go on youtube and type
 "Get to know us tag as aria and elyna"


Listen to this "Get to know me tag" 
and try to find the 32 topics she mentions!
Good luck, she speaks very fast!


Watch this vieo about the story of Rosa Parks 
and write a paragraph about her.
Don't forget to give your opinion and justify...

Have a look at this video about Ruby Bridges 
visiting barack Obama and commenting on 
Norman Rockwell's painting. 
Amazing, isn't it?

This is the painting we studied  in class last friday:

"New kids in the neighborhood" by Norman Rockwell

Let's talk about "Red Nose Day"!

Here are some videos of your "protest songs or poems".
Some of you did a wonderful job!


Valentine was very inspired,
her song has been haunting me all day long!
Great job!


Listen to Estelle and Eléa's beautiful voices!
Great moment girls!


Eline's poem was also very inspiring!


Camille and Mélanie were fantastic too!

Clément's protest poem was inspired
 by a famous rock band from the 60s..
Do you recognize the song?

Now listen to Louanne and  Amélia:
great work girls!


This is Floriane's protest poem:


Maëva did a great job too!


Florian's enthusiasm was real!
Go firefighters, go!!!

Bravo Florian!

I can't wait to hear your protest songs or poems tomorrow...
Are you ready?
Not too stressed ???

Good luck!
Remember: make it clear and simple...

This is Queen's amazing's "Bohemian Rhapsody"

(Freddy Mercury is singing and playing the piano)

Listen to this wonderful  Protest Song...

1. Who sings it?
2. What's the title of the song?
3. What is she protesting against?
4. Do you like it?

 This is the first Protest Song we listened to:
Bob Dylan's "blowin' in the wind".

Do you like it?

This is an extract of Jimi Hendrix's performance at Woodstock.
Do you recognize the piece he's playing?

Who were the hippies?
How did the hippie movement start?
What did they use to believe in?
Watch this video to know more about them!

"the History of the Woodstock festival"

This is the video we studied in class:
make sure you understand most of it.

Dear 3èmes, 
thanks again for making me bark like a dog or do push-ups!!!

It's my turn to make you do weird things next week!!!

GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what adjectives these pictures correspond to...



This is the video we studied in class:

Give a definition for this clique: the goths

This is an extract from "Mean girls".
Name 3 cliques that appear in the video:

Here are the last words pronounced by these famous people...
Which one is your favorite?
Do you think he wants to go back to school?


Here are the winners and vice-winners 
of our big contest on  "slave-stories"

1. The winners are Guillaume F. and Yohann D.F.
This is their story:

2. And the vice-winners are Mathilde G. and Anaïs C.
This is their story:

Have a look at this video about the passive; 
it's funny at times and quite clear...

This is an extract from the news (in 2010) which mention (and show) Rodney King's beating up by 4 white policemen
 in Los Angeles.

Listen to these two videos about 
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

What do they have in common?
What differenciates them?

One of Malcolm X's speeches

Martin Luther King's famous speech ("I have a dream")

Admire this fantastic painting by Norman Rockwell.
You will have to analyse it for Friday. Good luck!


This is the painting you will have to describe and analyse during spring break:
Amazing, isn't it?

"Room in New York" by Edward Hopper

Listen to U2's famous protest song 
called "Sunday, bloody sunday"
( a tribute to the 14 victims of "bloody sunday" which took place in Derry, Northern Ireland, in 1972)

Oh my God! Office Gossips can break hearts!
(gossips = commérages)

Listen to this video full of reported speech!

Just kidding!


How long have they been doing it?
(use the present perfect BE + ING and FOR or SINCE)

Jeff and mary - 1 hour and a half

Kate - this morning

Lili - 2 o'clock

Tom and his friends - the beginning of the afternoon

John and Ted - a long time

Margaret - she arrived at the marina


Do you remember this video?

Dear 3èmes, 
this is a special week for you:
good luck for your working placement!
Enjoy yourself and be ...perfect!

And this is "Purple Haze", performed by Jimi Hendrix

Listen to Jimi Hendrix's fabulous  "Hey Joe"

Say what you USED TO DO 
and what you DIDN'T USE TO DO 
when you were 2 years old.



4 (help vocab! =  suck my thumb)

5 (help vocab = do chores)

----------------- Have a look at this nice video about the hippie movement. 
Find 4 activities they USED to do.

What do you know about the Woodstock Festival?
Listen to this documentary to find out more about this important moment in the history of "Protest Songs"...


What about oral presentations? 
Some of you chose very interesting topics!
For example:

This is Vincent C.'s extract of "my wife and kids"

This is Margaux C.'s song by Lil Wayne "How to love" 


Do you understand the joke???
(here, turned = gave)

Dear 3e, it's oral presentations time!
How stressed are you???


     Listen to my best wishes for 2013!


Finally, the vacation is here and I wish you all relaxing and pleasant Christmas vacation.
Here are the results of your wishes before the end of the world!

(thanks for your participation!)

10. ""Before the end of the world, I'd like to organize a big party!" (M. C.)

9. "Before the end of the world, I would like to spend a lot of money in shops and in sweets!" (M. M.)

8. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to be in a movie and become a star!" (A. D-A)

7. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to do stupid things! (you have no idea!!!)" (M; D. L.)

6. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to tell my family 

I love them!" (M. G.)

5."Before the end of the world, I'd like to spend time with 

the people who are important for me." (J. J.)

4."Before the end of the world, I'd like to go to the moon!" (P. M.)

3. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to see the girl I love

 and kiss her" (M. M)

2."Before the end of the world, I'd like my grandfather, my grandmother and my aunt to come back to life 

so that I can tell them good bye..." (E. M.)

1. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to say all the things

 I've never said before..." (A. G. )


Good luck on your revisions for Friday's test!


Here's your homework for the week-end! 
(You're welcome! ;D)

Have a close look at these pictures and react!

(You may use the following adjectives: 

exploited - greedy - miserable - excited - addicted - heartless - lonely - pityless - desperate - hopeless etc...)

 picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

picture 5


Aren't you inspired by this painting by Norman Rockwell?