
SCHOOLYEAR 2015/2016

Welcome back

Listent to the poem "All my great excuses" and practice!


Guess the topic of our new sequence:
describe this document:


Are you ready for our new sequence about DRAMA???

Have a look at this video about Elizabethan theater.
(British spelling: theatre)

Find 3 new pieces of information. 

Good luck on your revisions for tomorrow's test...

Have a look at some of the 4D's video about
"the anti-bullying campaign":
You did a great job, congratulations!

This is Mélanie and Ilona's great video!
Thanks for sharing your talent with us!


This is Jarod's video


This is Alexis M.'s moving video...
Take out our kleenex!
(but there are quite a few mistakes...:()

Good job Alexis!


This is my favorite video:
Céline D.O. made it!

Wonderful job! Congrats!!!

Have a look at this moving video on Bullying...

This is part of Alexis' PPC;
he did a great job with his 2 fantastic dancers!

Listen to Evangeline's PPC!
She did a great job!

 I was really impressed by your oral presentations today: 
you all did such a great job!
I can't wait till tomorrow!


Get ready for your first "PPC"!
Don't panic, I promise I won't eat you... 


Describe the following picture:
Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

This is Jade Panzo's dynamic presentation!



This is Alexis Manca's presentation!
Look at it if you want to see a serious Alexis...;D!
Listen to these two friends: 
What do they like doing?
Do they have a lot in common?


IDENTITY: Where do they live?

Congratulations on your pair-work today: you did a great job!!!

Ready to have fun with Corrin?
Do you remember the "classroom english" expressions?
You can practice with this video!


Listen to this video which describes people's qualities.
Who is the greatest and the most interesting person 
in the world?
(superlatives are everywhere!)

Listen to one of my favorite songs by Pink
(she's singing it with her dad, who composed it 40 years ago)

What's the title of the song?

Try to understand all the present perfects!

Have a look at this bedroom makeover:
name 5 things that have changed.
(use the present perfect)
Which bedroom do you prefer?

This is the famous song by Eric Clapton
"knocking on heaven's door"


This is a cartoon about the perfect Brit...
(What should the perfect French be like then???)

Listen to this video full of comparatives!

Which cartoon do you prefer? Why?
What do they all have in common?


 (help! once = dès que)

( there's a mistake in this cartoon: it should be
 "...where you've hidden your sister")

Look at these fabulous posters about "anti-bullying".
Congratulations to the talented students 
who created these posters!

(And have a great vacation!)

this is Jack's poster

this is Eline's poster

This is Amine's poster

This is Alexandre's poster

This is Maureen's poster

This is Cyrille' s poster (hem)

This is Rémy's poster (and Rémy's mum!)

This is Valentine's poster

This is Chloé B. 's poster

This is Hamit's poster

This is Chloé M. 's poster

 And this is Maëva's poster

Have a look at this document we did in class today:
what do you think of the father's words?

To be healthy or not to be healthy? 
That is the question...

What's the title of this song performed by "the Clash"?

Here are the winners of the contest about
 "what's your definition of friendship".
Congratulations to all of you, you did a great job!

(click on the pictures to see them better)

The mysterious author of this nice text is no longer mysterious: 
thanks Manon for your great job!

This is Amélie S. D. S.'s work

This is Clara R.'s work

 This is Hamit's work

This is Eline's work

This is Maureen C.'s work

This is Valentine M. 's work

And this is Chloé M.'s work

Chloé and valentine's definitions of friendship are my favorites...

Special thanks to Thomas N.'s work...simple and beautiful!

This is Coldplay's beautiful song called "the scientist" .
You can hear it in our video about "bullying".


Listen to the video about the "anti-bullying campaign"...
What do they suffer from?

What's YOUR definition of a TRUE friend?
 The best definitions will be posted by the end of the week...
Be inspired!


This is the trailer of "Matilda, the musical".
You can see it if you o to London!


Hamit, I want my slippers back!!!

"Break-in in Vasco"


What do you think of that excuse???

This is what they were doing on September 11th, 2001, 
when the terrorist attacks took place 
on the World Trade Center in NYC. 
Write one sentence per picture. (use the preterit BE + ING)

          Dave and Vanessa


        Bill and Phil                                                   



           Ted and Max                                                                

This is an extract from Disney's cartoon, "Hercules"...
Try to find the expressions with "AGO"...
Ready? Steady? Go!


Listen to this jazz chant, it will make you love the Preterite!

    Listen to my best wishes for 2013!


No, you're not dreaming: we're on vacation! 

I hope you have a great time and I also hope you'll speak English...

(yes, I'm a big dreamer!)

Here are the results of your wishes before the world ends!

(thanks for your participation!)

10. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to buy my favorite horse!" (M. F.)

9. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to go to the NRJ Music Awards!" (M. C.)

8. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to fly!" (T. D. O.)

7. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to drive a flying car" (D.J.R.)

6."Before the end of the world, I'd like to fly in a hot-air balloon!" (V. M.)

5. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to smack my sister!"       (E. G.)

4. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to kiss V. and B. !" (P. O)

3. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to dance on the stage of the "paris opera" in front of all my friends." (C. M.)

2. "Before the end of the world, I'd like to run naked in the street!" (C. N.)

1.  "Before the end of the world, I'd like to meet Bugs Bunny!" (Q. B.)


 You want to know everything about Roald Dahl?
 Click on the following link to visit his fantastic website!


which trailer do you prefer?

     Which one do you prefer? Why?

Just kidding!

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