
SCHOOLYEAR 2014/2015


02/04 : Again, I'm so sorry for being such a liar! 

Thanks to Camille, (who's less absent-minded than I),
 here are the pictures of our new topic: New York City

1. 1524


3. 55,000,000

4.  the algonquins tribe

5.  Liza Minelli

6.  "West Side Story"


Good luck to all of you for tomorrow's oral presentation!
Fingers crossed!


01/26 : And this is Charlène, Jade, Maïlys and camille's video about teachers and clubs at Vasco!

Great job girls!
 And congrats to the adults of this school 
who are not afraid to speak English! ;)

01/13/2015: This is Nabil, Faysel, Axel and Evan's video about the school restaurant at Vasco:

This is Julien, Arthur, Samuel and Nathan's video
 about  outdoors sports  at Vasco

This is Laura, Elodie, Sarah and Emma's video about the corridors and the building of the school:

Great job, guys!




This is the you tube link to 
Paul, Marin, Johan, Thibaud and Damian's video
 about indoor sports at vasco:

11/19: Here's the video about The Lewis and Clark's expedition across the USA. Try to understand 5 elements of the video.

11/14:   1. Here's the videos we watched in class (about art)

2. And here's the new video about transportation  

3. Teddy's riddle was about the mythic band: METALLICA
Listen to them!

11/07 : Your pen pals'videos about school.

1. Here's the video about buildings and the library

2. This is the video about sports :

3. This is the viedo about school and schedule (= time-table : GB)

4. And here are a few pictures of Bruce's riddle on Alaska:

Amazing colors

Amazing aurora 

Amazing bear

5. Mrs RN's riddle:

What bus crossed the Atlantic in 1492?

11/02: Nice to meet you!

this is our introduction video for our American Pen-pals!

10/10 : Watch the trailer of the movie "diary of a wimpy kid", based on the novel written by Jeff Kinney

10/03; this is your penpals' first video of introduction!

If you can't watch the video properly, here's the Youtube link:

09/26: Today, Mya's riddle was about Mickey Mouse.

And then we talked about...

Do you remember the English title of the book ?
(I hope you do Tim ...grrr!  ;)

Have a nice relaxing week-end!


09/24: Today, Tim's riddle was about Marilyn Monroe 

Watch this video from the famous series "Friends":
"Rachel's shopping bag"

Describe and analyse the video.
Do you like it? Justify.


Renfield's riddle:  Robin Williams

Rumpelstiltskin'sriddle:" The Big Apple, New York City's nickname"

Peter's riddle: "The Grand Canyon"


Assignment for next thursday (thursday 10):

Watch this video  and choose at least (=minimum) 
6 moments / places you recognize. 
Say a few words about each moment you chose.

13 moments you need to have in New York City

Our new topic is "New York City, the city that never sleeps".
Say a few words about each picture:





Your pen pals' video has just arrived!

click on the folling link and meet them:

This is the video for your American e-pals!
We finally did it! Congrats!!!


Dear English + students,

I hope you're having a great vacation! 
(4 more days to relax, eat candies your homework!!!)

I know you're impatiently waiting for the video 
but I'm afraid I can't post it for the moment because
 the sound is sooooo bad...
So get ready for a new video next thursday...sorry!
Let's get familiar with your pen-pals' city!

This is a map of Chapel Hill, drawn by Alice feagan

And this is a picture of the real city:

Now have a look at this video introducing the city of
 "chapel hill" where your pen-pals study and live.


Dear English + 3e,
You've received your first mails from your American e-pals!
Get ready to read them 
(hopefully next Thursday if the computer room works),
and answer them!!

Here are some of the most famous places of the USA.
Which one is your favorite?


Have a look at these 2 storyboards, 
choose one of them and comment it:
talk about the decor, the characters and the action

Storyboard n° 1:

Storyboard n° 2

Now it's time to meet our new characters :
 Sherlock Holmes and his dear friend Dr Watson

Have a look at this trailer and tell me what you think about it!

And now compare the previous extract with this one,
 taken from "the hound of the baskerville"
a movie that was shot in 1939!

Have a look at the picture below 
(taken in "the Sherlock Holmes Museum")
and guess what Sherlock Holmes was like 
(personnality, hobbies etc...)


Listen to Alicia Keys' song "New York"...
Can you find the similarities with Liza Minnelli's song ?


What's the title of this song by the Bee Gees?
You can hear it in the chorus...

Listen to Liza Minnelli's "New York - New York"
(you can sing, it's raining already!)


Which series do you prefer? 
They both take place in New York City...



 Listen to my best wishes for 2013!


Congratulations for your first editorial conference!
I hope you've come up with brilliant ideas 
for your newspaper!!! 
Have a great and relaxing week-end!


Ready to become press-addicts my dear English + students?